The Sociological Association, founded in 1959 in Bulgaria, was restructured in 1969 as the Bulgarian Sociological Association.
SBS was initially formed in 1937 as the Sao Paulo Society of Sociology. In 1950, it became the Brazilian Society of Sociology.
The ISA granted membership to the French-based Association of Sociologists and Anthropologists of Benin in 2017.
Flemish Sociological Association and Belgian Francophone Association of Sociology and Anthropology were formed in 1975.
The Bangladesh Sociological Society is an organization of sociologists founded in 2003 to promote sociology in Bangladesh.
In 1996, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Justice established and registered Azerbaijan Sociological Association.
Austrian Association for Sociology, founded in 1950 for sociologists in Austria, elected August Maria Knoll as the first president.
The Armenian Sociological Association founded in 1992 is one of Armenia's leading research groups that is a member of the ISA and ESOMAR.
The Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic, founded on December 12, 2010, is a regular institutional member of the ISA.
The Constituent Assembly authorized the statute of the Albanian Sociological Association in Tirana on November 21, 2006.
International Institute of Sociology founded in 1893 in Paris is the oldest sociological association that is the predecessor of the ISA.