Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic

The Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic, founded on December 12, 2010, is a regular institutional member of the ISA.
Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic

History of Asociación Argentina de Sociología (AAS)/ Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic 

Argentina is a South American nation that is the eighth largest in the world area-wise and has a population of 47 million. Sociology became popular in Argentina after the publication of the works of famous sociologist José Ingenieros’s work Argentine Sociology in 1913. Asociación Argentina de Sociología (AAS)/Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic and Consejo de Profesionales en Sociología (CABA) are the two associations in Argentina that are registered with International Sociological Association. AAS is considered a national-level organization of sociology in Argentina. CABA works in association with AAS.

Formation of AAS

The Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic, founded in 2009-2010, is a regular institutional member of the International Sociological Association. AAS has worked to promote national and worldwide recognition, strengthening sociological discipline since its foundation.

Objectives of Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic

The Argentine Republic’s Association of Sociologists supports the profession of sociology’s social recognition by supporting equitable opportunities and the employment of sociologists in all educational and research fields in private, non-governmental, national, and international organizations.

Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic

AAS Journal 

The Council of Professionals in Sociology of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, together with the Association of Sociologists of the Province of Buenos Aires and the Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic, publishes the Argentine Journal of Sociology (RAS)/ Revista Argentina de Sociología journal in digital format.

AAS Membership 

The Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic includes the below-mentioned membership categories.

A – Active Members: Graduates with a qualifying Sociologist degree from a national or provincial, private, or public university.

B – Adherent Members: Sociology students and those who are completing their university degrees. They will have the right to speak, but not the right to vote, and will be able to use the association’s advantages.

C – Honorary Members: those appointed by the assembly on the board of directors’ recommendation or associates with voting rights in exchange for services rendered to the association or specified personal criteria. It is also stated that they will be free from paying any social quotas, have the right to speak but not vote, and be entitled to the association’s advantages. Honorary members may not make up more than half of the active members.

Download the form, fill it out, and submit it to to join the Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic.

International outreach of the Association of Sociologists of the Argentine Republic

Asociación Argentina de Sociología has established relations with the following associations and institutions since its inception.

  • International Sociological Association.
  • Latin American Association of Sociology
  • National University of Luján Interdepartmental Research Unit of the ISP Dr. JV González
  • National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET)
  • Scientific and Technological Promotion (FONCYT)
  • Ministry of Education of the Nation
  • Area of Interdisciplinary Studies of Education and Gender
  • Faculty of Law UBA
  • Pacarina Latin American Network
  • GT Clacso Youth and political practices.
  • Fund for Scientific and Technological Training of the National Agency for
  • Network of Sociology Associations of the Latin American Association of Sociology
  • Faculty of Social Sciences UBA
  • Sociology Degree of the Faculty of Social Sciences-UBA
  • Faculty of Economic Sciences UBA
  • CINDE University of Manizales
  • Research Institute Gino Germani FSOC -UBA
  • Buenos Aires University
  • Honduran Association of Sociology
  • Brazilian Society of Sociology
  • Colombian Society of Sociology
  • Network of Journals of the Latin American Association of Sociology

Consejo de Profesionales en Sociología

It is a collegiate institution that protects the interests of the city of Buenos Aires’ sociologists. The objective is to defend and rank the professional function of sociologists in comparison to other professions and businesses. The Consejo de Profesionales in Sociologia promotes sociology as the only science capable of discussing society as a complex and current phenomenon by promoting quality and professional relevance.

Relevant Association Links

Consejo de Profesionales en Sociología | Facebook | Youtube 


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