The Australian Sociological Association

After the restructuring process in 1988, the SAANZ association is renamed The Australian Sociological Association, which is also called TASA.
The Australian Sociological Association TASA

History of The Australian Sociological Association (TASA)

The origins of Australian sociology may be traced back to 1914 when sociology first appeared in Workers’ Education Association tutorials given at several institutions. The Australian Institute of Sociology, founded in 1942 by Peter Elkin, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Sydney, was the first professional organization. The idea of the national level sociological association was formed in Australia in 1963 as the Sociological Association of Australia and New Zealand, and it got legally incorporated in 1968. The Australian Sociological Association restructured itself after the split from the New Zealand association in 1988.

Objectives of The Australian Sociological Association

  • In Australia, expand sociological research and study.
  • Create a symbiotic network for Australian sociologists.
  • Strengthen relationships and networks with other sociological organizations and international institutions.
  • Examine social topics that are important to the Australian population.

The Australian Sociological Association TASA

Membership of TASA

The membership fees of TASA are determined according to the nation of current residency. They are separated into three categories depending on the economy’s Gross National Income: Category A, Category B, and Category C. TASA memberships last anywhere from one to five years. TASA membership is available to anybody with a passion for sociology from anywhere in the world. Except for the submission of the membership form and payment of the membership fee, there are no registration or qualifying criteria.

TASA members get access to various resources, including the Journal of Sociology, the Taylor and Francis Text Collection, the Sage Research Methods Collection, the Sage Sociology Collection, and the Membership Directory.

Journals/Publications and Newsletter

The Journal of Sociology was launched in 1965 and has been published continuously since then. The Journal of Sociology is a forum for examining the development of Australian sociology and the Journal’s role in the worldwide sociological conversation.

The Health Sociology Review is a peer-reviewed worldwide publication that publishes high-quality conceptual and empirical research in the sociology of health, disease, and medicine.

The journal prioritizes original research studies and papers that enhance theory and technique in health sociology and allied subjects. It is published three times each year.

Job Portal of TASA provides ample opportunities for sociologists in areas of research and advancement in the field.

TASA also provides a weekly newsletter (access here) that is available to the public.

International outreach of TASA

TASA is a collective member of the International Sociological Association and The Council for the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.

Awards/Honours/Monetary Rewards given by TASA

  • Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching in Australian Sociology
  • Raewyn Connell Award
  • Early Career Researcher Best Paper Award
  • Best Paper in the Journal of Sociology Award
  • Stephen Crook Memorial Prize
  • Honors Student Award
  • Best Paper in Health Sociology Review Award
  • Accessibility Conference Bursary Award
  • Carer’s Travel Bursary Award
  • Precarious Work Bursary Fund
  • Outstanding Service to TASA, Sociology in Action Award
  • Jerzy Zubrzycki Postgraduate Conference Bursary Award
  • Conference Bursary for Sociology in Action Award
  • Postgraduate Impact & Engagement Award
  • Jean-Martin Award
  • Postgraduate Conference Bursary Award
  • Outstanding Service to TASA Award
  • Distinguished Service to Australian Sociology Award

Public Engagement in Sociology

It is a program jointly organized by the University of Wollongong on behalf of The Australian Sociological Association. Its purpose is to assist sociologists and TASA in better emphasizing how the general public sees sociology.

It is intended to learn how sociology graduates and academics employ their sociological skills and knowledge in various fields, as well as to assess the influence on Australia’s socioeconomic and political spheres.

Conferences of The Australian Sociological Association

The first conference was held at Australian National University, Canberra in 1963 organized by W.D. Mick Borrie. The latest conference at the University of Melbourne is themed   “Social Challenges, Social Change“ in 2022.

Relevant Links of TASA

TASA Youtube | TASA Facebook | TASA Twitter   

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