Romanian Sociological Association

The Romanian Sociological Association, known as Asociatiei Romane de Sociologie (ARS), debuted in 1990 after the Romanian Revolutions.
Romanian Sociological Association

History of the Romanian Sociological Association (ARS)

The Romanian Sociological Association, known as Asociatiei Romane de Sociologie (ARS), debuted in 1990 during the resurgence period after the 1989 revolution in Romania. During the communist period, sociologists faced official abolition and strong condemnation, and Romania had few sociologists until the 1980s. The ARS, a non-profit NGO headquartered in Bucharest, aims to assert sociology as a science and a profession in both public life and scientific research.

Mission and Objectives of the Romanian Sociological Association

  • The Romanian Professional Association of Social Assistance, often known as ASSOC, collaborates with ARS.
  • By adopting ethical guidelines, ARS seeks to raise its members’ academic and professional standards.
  • The practice of sociology must be built on proper scientific subcategory-based specialization and research methods, according to the key criterion of ARS.
  • ARS supports initiatives aiming at sharing sociological knowledge, such as performing evaluations of the condition of Romanian society by examining social problems and offering proposals and practical strategies to solve them.
  • By collaborating with multilateral organizations, ARS hopes to advance international scientific collaboration in the area of sociology.
  • Concerning the goals and interests of various organizations, institutions, and social groupings, ARS guarantees that sociological research in Romania is autonomous.
  • ARS makes it easier for Romanian sociologists to apply for international scholarships.
  • In addition to promoting sociology as a field of study at all educational levels, from elementary school to Ph.D. candidates, ARS supports the training of sociology professionals in higher education.
  • By enhancing sociologists’ usefulness in the public domain, ARS promotes the practice of sociology in workplace organizations.

Activities of ARS

  • The main activity of ARS is to help Romanian sociologists and members of international sociological organizations personally and professionally.
  • The association produces specialist books and anthologies in foreign languages and sociological periodicals.
  • By participating in activities and submitting research publications to the worldwide sociological community, ARS is connected to international sociological organizations.
  • ARS honors individuals who excel in sociological activities via degrees, awards, prizes, and other incentives.
  • Additionally, ARS recommends honorees in several scientific and social science venues.
  • ARS regularly participates in seminars, symposia, debates, and sessions for social science communication.

Romanian Sociological Association

ARS Membership

Institutional and individual membership in ARS is granted upon payment of the necessary subscription fees. People with sociology degrees from other countries are eligible to apply to join ARS.

ARS Bodies of association

The management and control bodies of the association include the association council, association conference, executive office, and board of auditors.

Journals/Publications associated with social science and ARS members

Quality of Life Magazine Top of Form

Since its introduction in 1990, Quality of Life Magazine has focused on social issues and quality of life in Central and Eastern Europe. Researchers, educators, social science students, and social policymakers are the target audience for the publication.

Social Innovation Magazine

Quality of Life Research Institute, headed by Catalin Zamfir, introduced Social Innovation Magazine as part of the socio-economic development project.

Romanian Sociology

With a focus on Romanian society, Romanian Sociology publishes sociological analyses in both Romanian and English. The journal contains pertinent information about social problems in Romania that is useful to multidisciplinary social studies scholars and policymakers.

Studia Sociologia

Studia Sociologia is the earliest academic journal on social sciences that debuted after Romania’s revolution in 1990. The journal seeks to host a scholarly discussion, mainly on topics concerned with Central and Eastern Europe.

Romanian Journal of Sociology

The Romanian Journal of Sociology is one of Romania’s most esteemed academic journals and has been accredited by CNSCIS at the B + level. Young scholars in many branches of sociology submit papers, reading notes, field research reports, theoretical studies, and comments for publication in the journal.

Sociological notebooks

The Journal of Sociological Notebooks, published in French, English, and Romanian, offers students and academics a theoretical and methodological tool for sociological analysis.

Journal of Sociology

Under the patronage of ARS, the journal is produced by the Department of Sociology at the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.

University Journal of Sociology

The University Journal of Sociology has replaced the 2004-founded University Journal of Social Sciences. Under the patronage of the Oltenia Social Institute and the University of Craiova, the University Journal of Sociology is published as a biannual journal.

Romanian Journal of Population Studies

The journal’s descriptive studies and research articles on demographic studies in Romania are its primary emphasis, written by both domestic and external experts in the field.

Study of Religions and Ideologies Journal

The journal that examines religion using a sociological and social studies methodology is titled Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies. The Arts & Humanities Citation Index has chosen this magazine as the first Romanian publication to be indexed.

Journal of Social Research & Policy

The Journal of Social Research & Policy seeks to publish works that use research methodologies for public and private policy research.

Social Change Review

The worldwide peer-reviewed magazine Social Change Review aims to advance research on social, cultural, and political issues from many viewpoints that allow progress in modern society. The journal welcomes articles in sociology or social anthropology that are both theoretical and empirical. The Sibiu Lucian Blaga University is in charge of managing the journal.

ARS Conference

The goal of the resolution passed at the inaugural ARS conference in the 1989–1990 period is to represent the sociological community and assist its institutional and scientific growth.

Romanian Sociologists Society

To develop Romanian society and sociology on a local, national, and worldwide scale, professional sociologists have formed the Romanian Sociologists Society (RSS). The Sixth International Conference of the Romanian Sociologists Society took place in 2021.

International collaborations of Romanian Sociological Association

ARS is a member country of the European Sociological Association and  International Sociological Association.

Sociology Plus