UGC NET Sociology June 2012 Question Paper 3 Solved with Answers and Explanation

UGC NET-JRF Sociology June 2012 Question Paper 3 Solved

Question 1

According to Ethnomethodologists, which type of reasoning is used by the people?

(a) Inductive Reasoning
(b) Deductive Reasoning
(c) Practical Reasoning
(d) No Reasoning

Correct Answer:
(c) Practical Reasoning

Answer Explanation:
Practical reason is the general human capacity for resolving, through reflection, the question of what one is to do. According to Ethnomethodologists, practical reasoning is used by people.

Question 2

‘Conversational analysis’ is a part of which of the following methodologies?

(a) Phenomenology
(b) Verstehen
(c) Ethnomethodology
(d) Structuralism

Correct Answer:
(c) Ethnomethodology

Answer Explanation:
Ethnomethodology involves the study of how people use social interaction to maintain an ongoing sense of reality in a situation. It relies heavily on conversation analysis to observe and record social interactions systematically.

Question 3

When was ‘Ethnomethodology’ used for the first time?

(a) 1940s
(b) 1950s
(c) 1960s
(d) 1970s

Correct Answer:
(a) 1940s

Answer Explanation:
Ethnomethodology was first used in the 1940s, introducing a new perspective in sociology that focuses on the methods and practices through which social order is produced in everyday interactions.

Question 4

“The ‘self’ in modern society becomes a sacred object in the same way that the collective symbols of primitive societies.” Who has propounded this view?

(a) Weber
(b) Durkheim
(c) Mead
(d) Goffman

Correct Answer:
(c) Mead

Answer Explanation:
George Herbert Mead argued that the sense of self arises from the ability to take the perspectives of others, thus becoming an object to oneself, reflecting the views of society at large. This process mirrors how primitive societies treated collective symbols.

Question 5

Who has written the work “The Social Construction of Reality”?

(a) Peter L. Berger
(b) Thomas Luckmann
(c) Both Berger and Luckmann
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer:
(c) Both Berger and Luckmann

Answer Explanation:
“The Social Construction of Reality” was co-authored by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. They introduced the idea that society is created by humans through habitualized actions, making reality a social construct.

Question 6

Match List–I with List–II:

  • List–I
    • A. Social Construction of Reality
    • B. Phenomenology of Social World
    • C. Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
    • D. Studies in Ethnomethodology
  • List–II
    • i. Harold Garfinkel
    • ii. Erving Goffman
    • iii. Berger and Luckmann
    • iv. Alfred Schutz

Correct Answer:
(c) iii, iv, ii, i

Answer Explanation:
Each author is correctly matched to their respective work:

  • iii. Berger and Luckmann wrote “Social Construction of Reality”.
  • iv. Alfred Schutz developed “Phenomenology of Social World”.
  • ii. Erving Goffman authored “Presentation of Self in Everyday Life”.
  • i. Harold Garfinkel is known for “Studies in Ethnomethodology”.

Question 7

‘Neo-functionalism operates with a descriptive model of society that sees society as composed of elements which form a pattern.’ Who has stated this view?

(a) P. Colomy
(b) J. Alexander
(c) T. Parsons
(d) R.K. Merton

Correct Answer:
(b) J. Alexander

Answer Explanation:
Jeffrey Alexander’s approach to neo-functionalism suggests that society is structured through interrelated elements that form a cohesive pattern, influencing how societal functions and interactions are understood.

Question 8

Who has written the book ‘Theoretical Logic in Sociology’?

(a) N.J. Smelser
(b) J.C. Alexander
(c) Paul Colomy
(d) Bernhard Giesen

Correct Answer:
(b) J.C. Alexander

Answer Explanation:
Jeffrey C. Alexander is the author of ‘Theoretical Logic in Sociology’, where he explores the foundations and essential arguments within the field of sociology, contributing significantly to theoretical developments.

Question 9

Which problems did neofunctionalism need to surmount?

(a) Anti-individualism and idealism
(b) Antagonism to change and anti-empirical bias
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer:
(c) Both (a) and (b)

Answer Explanation:
Neofunctionalism had to address and overcome challenges related to anti-individualism and idealism, as well as resistance to change and a bias against empirical research, aiming to modernize and adapt functionalist theories to contemporary issues.

Question 10

How does the critical school of theorists rectify the imbalance of economic determinism and other aspects of social life?

(a) By focusing on economic and social realm
(b) By focusing on economic and historical realm
(c) By focusing on economic and cultural realm
(d) By focusing on economic and productive realm

Correct Answer:
(c) By focusing on economic and cultural realm

Answer Explanation:
The critical school addresses the limitations of economic determinism by emphasizing the interplay between economic structures and cultural practices, arguing that cultural factors also significantly influence social dynamics and outcomes.

Question 11

According to neo-Marxists, which of the ideas about human nature have often been used to argue against any social change?

(a) Our natural greed and our natural gender differences
(b) Our natural tendency to violence
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer:
(c) Both (a) and (b)

Answer Explanation:
Neo-Marxists argue that conventional ideas about human nature, such as inherent greed and a propensity for violence, have been used to discourage social change, perpetuating the status quo by suggesting such traits are immutable.

Question 12

Who considers ‘structure as a model’ of the social world and ‘not a reality’ among the structuralists?

(a) Levi-Strauss
(b) Freud
(c) Marx
(d) Lemert

Correct Answer:
(a) Levi-Strauss

Answer Explanation:
Claude Levi-Strauss, a prominent structuralist, argued that structures are conceptual models that help us understand the social world, rather than direct representations of reality themselves.

Question 13

Who considers ‘language as disorderly and unstable’ in his concept of ‘Deconstruction’?

(a) Derrida
(b) Godelier
(c) Foucault
(d) Lemert

Correct Answer:
(a) Derrida

Answer Explanation:
Jacques Derrida, in his deconstruction theory, views language as inherently disorderly and unstable, challenging traditional notions of fixed meaning to reveal the complexities and contradictions within texts.

Question 14

In the context of past structuralism, who has argued that ‘what takes place on the stage represents what takes place in real life’?

(a) Foucault
(b) Giddens
(c) Derrida
(d) Dean

Correct Answer:
(c) Derrida

Answer Explanation:
Jacques Derrida discussed how theatrical performances reflect societal structures and interactions, emphasizing the representational nature of performance as a mirror to real-life social dynamics.

Question 15

Who said to have articulated integration of ‘agency and structure’ in structuration theory?

(a) Michael Foucault
(b) J. Derrida
(c) Anthony Giddens
(d) J.M. Bernstein

Correct Answer:
(c) Anthony Giddens

Answer Explanation:
Anthony Giddens developed structuration theory, which integrates the concept of agency with structural elements, highlighting how individual actions and societal structures influence each other dynamically.

Question 16

Who has named ‘juggernaut’ to describe an advanced stage of modernity?

(a) Michael Foucault
(b) Anthony Giddens
(c) Max Weber
(d) David Frisby

Correct Answer:
(b) Anthony Giddens

Answer Explanation:
Anthony Giddens described modernity as a ‘juggernaut,’ a powerful force that, while driving society forward, also threatens to run out of control and potentially crush those unable to keep up with its rapid changes.

Question 17

Which one of the following is not an indicator of cultural diversity in India?

(a) Race
(b) Caste
(c) Class
(d) Religion

Correct Answer:
(c) Class

Answer Explanation:
Class is not traditionally an indicator of cultural diversity in India as it is more of a socio-economic categorization rather than a cultural distinction, unlike caste, religion, or race which directly relate to cultural identities and practices.

Question 18

Who has indicated diversities of Indian culture and contributed a book ‘Diversities’?

(a) R.K. Mukherjee
(b) D.P. Mukherjee
(c) G.S. Ghurye
(d) S.C. Dube

Correct Answer:
(b) D.P. Mukherjee

Answer Explanation:
D.P. Mukherjee made significant contributions to understanding the diversities of Indian culture through his writings, including the book titled ‘Diversities,’ which explores various aspects of Indian cultural heterogeneity.

Question 19

Who has edited the voluminous work ‘People of India’?

(a) G.S. Ghurye
(b) S.C. Dube
(c) Yogendra Singh
(d) K.S. Singh

Correct Answer:
(d) K.S. Singh

Answer Explanation:
K.S. Singh edited the comprehensive work ‘People of India,’ which is a detailed series of volumes that document the ethnographic details of various communities across India, contributing extensively to the field of Indian anthropology and ethnography.

Question 20

Which are the works of G.S. Ghurye?

I. Tribal Heritage of India
II. Cities and Civilization
III. Culture and Society
IV. Indian Sadhus

Select the correct answer from the codes given below: (a) IV only
(b) I, III, IV
(c) II, III, IV
(d) I, II, III, IV

Correct Answer:
(b) I, III, IV

Answer Explanation:
G.S. Ghurye’s notable works include ‘Tribal Heritage of India,’ ‘Culture and Society,’ and ‘Indian Sadhus.’ These works reflect his extensive research and contributions to understanding Indian society, culture, and the specific aspects of tribal and religious life.

Question 21

Match List–I with List–II:

  • List–I (Authors)
    • A. S.C. Dube
    • B. M.N. Srinivas
    • C. G.S. Ghurye
    • D. B.R. Ambedkar
  • List–II (Books)
    • i. India’s Village
    • ii. Caste and Race in India
    • iii. Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis, and Development
    • iv. Indian Village

Correct Answer:
(b) iv, i, ii, iii

Answer Explanation:
Each author is matched to their corresponding work as follows:

  • A. S.C. Dube authored “Indian Village.”
  • B. M.N. Srinivas wrote “India’s Village.”
  • C. G.S. Ghurye penned “Caste and Race in India.”
  • D. B.R. Ambedkar is known for “Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis, and Development.”

Question 22

Who has opined that Indian civilization has a specific ideology whose components are in binary opposition to that of the West: modern against traditional, holism against individualism, hierarchy against equality, purity against pollution, status against power, etc.?

(a) Louis Dumont
(b) David Hardiman
(c) N.K. Bose
(d) G.S. Ghurye

Correct Answer:
(a) Louis Dumont

Answer Explanation:
Louis Dumont presented these views in his influential works on Indian society and its caste system, particularly highlighting the ideological contrasts between Indian and Western civilizations.

Question 23

Who is of the view that caste and untouchability do not let Hindus act as a community?

(a) David Hardiman
(b) Louis Dumont
(c) B.R. Ambedkar
(d) M.N. Srinivas

Correct Answer:
(c) B.R. Ambedkar

Answer Explanation:
B.R. Ambedkar, a prominent social reformer and the architect of the Indian Constitution, argued that the caste system and the practice of untouchability fragment Hindu society, preventing it from acting as a unified community.

Question 24

Which theoretical perspective is based on the view that liberty is neither received as a gift; it has to be fought for. Self-elevation is not achieved by the blessings of others but by self-struggle?

(a) Marxian
(b) Structural
(c) Subaltern
(d) Civilizational

Correct Answer:
(c) Subaltern

Answer Explanation:
The Subaltern perspective emphasizes that marginalized groups must actively fight for their rights and liberty rather than waiting for them to be granted by those in power, advocating for self-led efforts and grassroots movements for social change.

Question 25

Provisions for divorce among Hindus are provided under Hindu Marriage Act of which year?

(a) 1955
(b) 1956
(c) 1961
(d) 1973

Correct Answer:
(a) 1955

Answer Explanation:
The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 provides provisions for divorce among Hindus, outlining the legal framework and conditions under which divorces can be obtained, reflecting a significant step in codifying Hindu personal law.

Question 26

The concept of ‘Symmetrical Family’ has been propounded by:

(a) Young and Willmott
(b) Oakley
(c) Bauman and Smart
(d) Smart

Correct Answer:
(a) Young and Willmott

Answer Explanation:
Michael Young and Peter Willmott introduced the concept of the Symmetrical Family, which describes a family structure where roles within the household are increasingly shared among spouses, reflecting changes towards more equality in family dynamics.

Question 27

The Dowry Prohibition (Amendment) Act was passed in which of the following years?

(a) 1963
(b) 1965
(c) 1984
(d) 1961

Correct Answer:
(c) 1984

Answer Explanation:
The Dowry Prohibition (Amendment) Act of 1984 was enacted to strengthen the original Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, introducing stricter measures and penalties aimed at curbing the dowry system in India.

Question 28

Which type of poverty involves assessing the gaps between the living conditions of some groups and those enjoyed by the majority of a population?

(a) Enforced poverty
(b) Culture of poverty
(c) Relative poverty
(d) Absolute poverty

Correct Answer:
(c) Relative poverty

Answer Explanation:
Relative poverty refers to a condition where individuals lack the minimum amount of income needed to maintain the average standard of living in the society in which they live, highlighting disparities in living conditions.

Question 29

According to whose argument “some conflict is functional because it serves as a safety valve, without which social hostility would eventually erupt violently”?

(a) Coser
(b) Marx
(c) Dahrendorf
(d) Gluckman

Correct Answer:
(a) Coser

Answer Explanation:
Lewis Coser argued that conflict can serve positive functions within society, such as acting as a safety valve to release tensions and prevent more destructive expressions of discontent.

Question 30

Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Metropolitan cities are dominated by large size slums.
Reason (R): There has been large-scale migration of rural population to urban centres with the growth of industries and job opportunities.
Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Correct Answer:
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Answer Explanation:
The growth of metropolitan slums is indeed largely attributed to the influx of rural populations seeking employment and better living conditions in urban areas, which has been accelerated by industrial growth and the availability of job opportunities.

Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): High growth of population is an indicator of low level of development in the society.
Reason (R): High birth rate is related to illiteracy and poverty in the society.
Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Correct Answer:
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Answer Explanation:
The assertion that high population growth is an indicator of low developmental status is empirically supported by the demographic-economic paradox, which posits that higher levels of education and economic development correlate with lower fertility rates. This is underpinned by the reason provided, linking higher birth rates with lower literacy and elevated poverty levels. These socioeconomic factors inherently contribute to higher reproductive patterns, which, in turn, stress economic resources and educational infrastructures, perpetuating a cycle of poverty.

Question 32

Given below are two statements; one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Economic regional disparities exist in India.
Reason (R): Economic regional disparity is an outcome of allocation of budget by the Government.
Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Correct Answer:
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer Explanation:
While it is indisputable that economic regional disparities are a reality within India, the assertion that these disparities are solely the result of governmental budget allocations oversimplifies the complexity of regional inequality. Economic disparities are also influenced by historical factors, geographical isolation, infrastructural deficiencies, and global economic pressures. Therefore, while budget allocations play a role, they are not the sole determinants.

Question 33

Match the item in List–I with the items in List–II.

  • List–I
    • A. Chipko Movement
    • B. Naxalbari Movement
    • C. Narmada Bachao Andolan
    • D. Ganga Bachao Andolan
  • List–II
    • i. Charu Mazumdar
    • ii. Medha Patkar
    • iii. Sunder Lal Bahuguna
    • iv. G.D. Aggarwal

Correct Answer:
(b) iii, i, ii, iv

Answer Explanation:
Each individual listed is prominently associated with their respective movements:

  • A. Sunder Lal Bahuguna is synonymous with the Chipko Movement, an ecological movement aimed at protecting forest resources.
  • B. Charu Mazumdar is identified with the Naxalbari Movement, which is a radical communist movement that sought to overthrow the government through peasant revolts.
  • C. Medha Patkar is the face of the Narmada Bachao Andolan, focused on the human rights of those affected by dam constructions.
  • D. G.D. Aggarwal was instrumental in the Ganga Bachao Andolan, which seeks to cleanse and rejuvenate the Ganges River.

Question 34

Which of the following concepts is associated with Weber’s analysis of class?

(a) Market situation
(b) Status situation
(c) Party situation
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer:
(a) Market situation

Answer Explanation:
Max Weber’s analysis of class is largely tied to the concept of ‘market situation’, which refers to the opportunities that individuals have in the marketplace based on their skills, education, and the demand for those skills. Weber’s notion of class is distinct from Marx’s, as it does not solely revolve around the ownership of the means of production but also considers market capacity and economic chances.

Question 35

Who among the following sociologists emphasized that the sociological perspective sees general in the particular and strange in the familiar?

(a) Peter Berger
(b) C. Wright Mills
(c) George Herbert Mead
(d) Emile Durkheim

Correct Answer:
(a) Peter Berger

Answer Explanation:
Peter Berger famously noted that sociology has a unique perspective, seeing the general in the particular and the strange in the familiar. This means that sociologists look for broader societal patterns in the everyday activities of particular individuals and find ways that seemingly familiar behaviors can be seen as unusual or influenced by social forces.

Question 36

What is meant by the ‘feminization of labor’?

(a) The displacement of male workers by female workers
(b) The increasing participation of women in the labor force
(c) The integration of women into low paid and less secure forms of employment
(d) The improvement of employment conditions for women

Correct Answer:
(c) The integration of women into low paid and less secure forms of employment

Answer Explanation:
The term ‘feminization of labor’ refers to the trend where women are increasingly integrated into low-paid and less secure forms of employment. This concept highlights not only the growing number of women in the workforce but also the types of jobs they are often relegated to, which are typically less stable and offer lower wages than those traditionally occupied by men.

Question 37

Sampurnanand Ashram is the first ‘Open Prison’, established in which State?

(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Bihar
(d) Kerala

Correct Answer:
(b) Uttar Pradesh

Answer Explanation:
The Sampurnanand Ashram in Uttar Pradesh was the first ‘Open Prison’ established to provide a more humane and reformative environment for inmates, focusing on rehabilitation and integration into society rather than mere confinement .

Question 38

Prison Vocational Training Programmes were introduced for inmates for:

(a) Reformation
(b) Rehabilitation
(c) Reformation and Rehabilitation
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer:
(c) Reformation and Rehabilitation

Answer Explanation:
Prison Vocational Training Programmes are crucial in providing inmates with skills that aid in both their reformation and rehabilitation. These programs aim to prepare inmates for eventual reintegration into society, reducing recidivism by equipping them with the necessary tools to find employment and lead productive lives .

Question 39

According to whom, ‘Societies characterized by too much or too little regulation or integration will have high suicide rates’?

(a) Parsons
(b) Weber
(c) Durkheim
(d) Merton

Correct Answer:
(c) Durkheim

Answer Explanation:
Emile Durkheim, in his seminal work on suicide, posited that societal conditions characterized by either too much or too little regulation or integration lead to different types of suicide. His theory suggests that the balance of social integration and moral regulation is crucial in maintaining societal health and individual well-being .

Question 40

Who has argued that ‘punishment is a social reaction to crime; it serves not simply the functions of retribution for the criminal and general deterrence of crime, but also maintaining the objection to criminal activity’?

(a) Merton
(b) Parsons
(c) Durkheim
(d) Coser

Correct Answer:
(d) Coser

Answer Explanation:
Lewis Coser, extending Durkheim’s ideas, argued that punishment serves multiple functions in society. It is not only a means of retribution or deterrence but also acts as a societal reaction that reaffirms the community’s commitment to its norms and values by publicly denouncing criminal activities .

Question 41

Match the List–I with List–II given below:

  • List–I (Theories)
    • A. Labelling Theory
    • B. Imitation Theory
    • C. Delinquent Sub-culture Theory
    • D. Theory of Suicide
  • List–II (Thinkers)
    • i. Tarde
    • ii. Becker
    • iii. Durkheim
    • iv. Cohen

Correct Answer:
(b) ii, i, iv, iii

Answer Explanation:

  • A (Labelling Theory) by Becker
  • B (Imitation Theory) by Tarde
  • C (Delinquent Sub-culture Theory) by Cohen
  • D (Theory of Suicide) by Durkheim

Question 42

Which is the correct sequence of tribal rebellions which took place during the early days of the British rule in 18th and 19th centuries?

(a) Kacha Nagas Rebellion, Birsa Movement among Mundas, Kol Rebellion, Santhal Rebellion
(b) Santhal Rebellion, Kol Rebellion, Birsa Movement among Mundas, Kacha Nagas Rebellion
(c) Kol Rebellion, Santhal Rebellion, Kacha Nagas Rebellion, Birsa Movement among Mundas
(d) Kol Rebellion, Birsa Movement among Mundas, Kacha Nagas Rebellion, Santhal Rebellion

Correct Answer:
(d) Kol Rebellion, Birsa Movement among Mundas, Kacha Nagas Rebellion, Santhal Rebellion

Answer Explanation:
This order reflects the historical sequence of significant tribal rebellions during the British colonial period, highlighting the resistance against colonial and exploitative policies.

Question 43

Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): In a plural society, minority groups often develop mistrust of the majority.
Reason (R): Minority groups are frequent targets of prejudice and discrimination.
Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Correct Answer:
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Answer Explanation:
The assertion and reason correctly relate how systemic discrimination and prejudice against minority groups can lead to mistrust towards the majority group, impacting societal cohesion.

Question 44

‘Even change in Indian society can be understood by studying its traditions.’ Who has argued this?

(a) Radha Kamal Mukherjee
(b) D.P. Mukherjee
(c) M.N. Srinivas
(d) S.C. Dube

Correct Answer:
(c) M.N. Srinivas

Answer Explanation:
M.N. Srinivas argued that changes in Indian society, including modern developments, can often be understood through the lens of traditional practices and their evolution.

Question 45

Match the concepts given in List–I with the authors given in List–II:

  • List–I (Concepts)
    • A. Sanskritisation, Westernisation & Modernisation
    • B. Universalisation & Parochialisation
    • C. Great Tradition and Little Tradition
    • D. Universalism vs. Particularism
  • List–II (Authors)
    • i. Mckim Marriot
    • ii. Robert Redfield
    • iii. M.N. Srinivas
    • iv. T. Parsons
    • v. B. Malinowski

Correct Answer:
(c) iii, ii, i, v

Answer Explanation:

  • A (Sanskritisation, Westernisation & Modernisation) by M.N. Srinivas
  • B (Universalisation & Parochialisation) by Robert Redfield
  • C (Great Tradition and Little Tradition) by Mckim Marriot
  • D (Universalism vs. Particularism) by B. Malinowski

Question 46

Which of the following processes assumes that no special esoteric supernatural forces operate within the world, and that life can be lived in accordance with human rationality?

(a) Secularization
(b) Modernization
(c) Westernization
(d) Desacralization

Correct Answer:
(d) Desacralization

Answer Explanation:
Desacralization refers to the process where aspects of life, particularly those that were previously imbued with sacred or supernatural significance, are redefined in purely secular terms, emphasizing human rationality and agency.

Question 47

Who, among the following, are associated with Indianisation of Sociology?

(a) G.S. Ghurye, A.K. Saran, D.P. Mukherjee
(b) G.S. Ghurye, T.K. Oommen, A.K. Saran
(c) G.S. Ghurye, A.R. Desai, D.P. Mukerjee
(d) G.S. Ghurye, T.K. Oommen, A.R. Desai

Correct Answer:
(a) G.S. Ghurye, A.K. Saran, D.P. Mukherjee

Answer Explanation:
G.S. Ghurye, A.K. Saran, and D.P. Mukherjee were prominent figures who advocated for the Indianisation of sociology, aiming to develop a distinctively Indian perspective that reflects local contexts and realities .

Question 48

Who has argued that ‘an empirical sociology of Indian society is not possible’?

(a) G.S. Ghurye
(b) M.N. Srinivas
(c) A.K. Saran
(d) S.C. Dube

Correct Answer:
(c) A.K. Saran

Answer Explanation:
A.K. Saran posited that an empirical sociology of Indian society is challenging due to the vast socio-cultural diversities and the influence of cultural relativism, which complicates the standardization of sociological methods .

Question 49

Who among the early sociologists of India introduced a down-to-earth empiricism in Indian Sociology and Social Anthropology?

(a) G.S. Ghurye
(b) R.K. Mukherjee
(c) A.K. Saran
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer:
(a) G.S. Ghurye

Answer Explanation:
G.S. Ghurye is considered the ‘father of Indian sociology’ for his empirical approach to the study of Indian society, using methodologies that combine historical and anthropological insights .

Question 50

Privatization of Education is a consequence of which one of the following?

(a) Urbanization
(b) Globalization
(c) Development of Science and Technology
(d) Increase in Population

Correct Answer:
(b) Globalization

Answer Explanation:
Globalization has led to significant shifts in how education systems operate worldwide, including the privatization of education, which makes it more of a business than a public service, reflecting broader economic changes .

Question 51

Who has used the term ‘Faction’ in the study of rural society at first?

(a) Oscar Lewis
(b) S.C. Dube
(c) Raymond Firth
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer:
(c) Raymond Firth

Answer Explanation:
Raymond Firth was the first to examine the concept of factions within rural societies, highlighting how internal group dynamics and conflicts influence social structure and interactions .

Question 52

Indian Rural Development Programmes widened the gap between rich and poor which resulted into negative consequences—

(a) Suicides among farmers
(b) Richness of farmers
(c) Depeasantisation of farmers
(d) Depeasantisation and suicides of farmers

Correct Answer:
(d) Depeasantisation and suicides of farmers

Answer Explanation:
The rural development programmes, while intended to improve conditions, have often led to depeasantisation, stripping farmers of their traditional livelihoods and contributing to increased rates of suicide among this group .

Question 53

Jajmani system can best be explained by

(a) Mutual trust and co-operation of the people
(b) Conflicting interest of the people
(c) Oppression and suppressive measures adopted by the jajmans
(d) Conflicting interest and distrust of the people

Correct Answer:
(a) Mutual trust and co-operation of the people

Answer Explanation:
The Jajmani system, traditionally found in Indian villages, was based on a mutualistic economic exchange where lower castes performed functions for upper castes and received sustenance in return, underscored by mutual trust and cooperation .

Question 54

‘Rurbanism’ is a term that is related to the study of:

(a) Villages
(b) Town and cities
(c) Rural areas
(d) Life-styles of rural-urban people

Correct Answer:
(d) Life-styles of rural-urban people

Answer Explanation:
Rurbanism refers to a blend of rural and urban features within a living space, highlighting how modern amenities and urban lifestyles are increasingly influencing rural settings, creating a hybrid cultural landscape .

Question 55

Match List–I with List–II:

  • List–I
    • A. Village India
    • B. Indian Village
    • C. A Rajasthan Village
    • D. The Remembered Village
  • List–II
    • i. S.C. Dube
    • ii. M.N. Srinivas
    • iii. Mckim Marriott
    • iv. B.R. Chauhan

Correct Answer:
(b) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

Answer Explanation:

  • A. Village India by Mckim Marriott
  • B. Indian Village by S.C. Dube
  • C. A Rajasthan Village by B.R. Chauhan
  • D. The Remembered Village by M.N. Srinivas

Each work reflects a significant contribution to the study of Indian rural life, offering diverse perspectives and methodologies .

Question 56

Match List–I with List–II:

  • List–I (Authors)
    • A. B.R. Virmani
    • B. S.R. Parker and R.K. Brown et al.
    • C. E.V. Schneider
    • D. Paul Blumberg
  • List–II (Books)
    • i. Sociology of Industry
    • ii. Worker’s Participation in Management
    • iii. Industrial Democracy
    • iv. Industrial Sociology

Correct Answer:
(b) ii, i, iv, iii

Answer Explanation:

  • A (Worker’s Participation in Management) by B.R. Virmani
  • B (Sociology of Industry) by S.R. Parker and R.K. Brown et al.
  • C (Industrial Sociology) by E.V. Schneider
  • D (Industrial Democracy) by Paul Blumberg

Question 57

Which is/are the possible ways to settle the industrial disputes between employers and workers by the outsiders?

I. Conciliation
II. Compromise
III. Adjudication
IV. Arbitration

(a) I, III, IV
(b) IV only
(c) III only
(d) II, III, IV

Correct Answer:
(a) I, III, IV

Answer Explanation:
Industrial disputes can be settled by methods involving third parties such as conciliation, adjudication, and arbitration, which help mediate and resolve conflicts between employers and workers.

Question 58

Assertion (A): Nepotism and corruption are rampant in Indian society.
Reason (R): These are due to democracy and bureaucracy.

(a) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(c) (A) is false and (R) is true.
(d) Both (A) and (R) are false.

Correct Answer:
(a) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

Answer Explanation:
Nepotism and corruption are indeed prevalent in Indian society, but attributing these issues solely to democracy and bureaucracy oversimplifies the problem. There are multiple factors, including lack of accountability and socio-cultural norms, that contribute to these issues.

Question 59

What is a trade union?

(a) An association
(b) Organized interest group
(c) Federation
(d) All the above

Correct Answer:
(d) All the above

Answer Explanation:
A trade union can be an association, an organized interest group, or a federation. It represents workers’ interests and aims to improve their working conditions, wages, and other employment-related matters.

Question 60

Mark the correct sequence of the processes of social stratification:

(a) Evaluation, differentiation, ranking, rewarding
(b) Differentiation, ranking, evaluation, rewarding
(c) Ranking, evaluation, differentiation, rewarding
(d) Differentiation, evaluation, rewarding, ranking

Correct Answer:
(a) Evaluation, differentiation, ranking, rewarding

Answer Explanation:
Social stratification involves evaluating individuals or groups, differentiating them based on certain criteria, ranking them hierarchically, and then rewarding them accordingly.

Question 61

Human Development Index (HDI) used by Prof. Mahbub ul Haq in order to measure the level of development amongst various countries includes the following sets of indicators. Mark the right answer:

(a) Health, Education, and Income
(b) Freedom, Equality, and Fraternity
(c) Equity, Social justice, and Liberty
(d) Openness, Freedom, and Equality

Correct Answer:
(a) Health, Education, and Income

Answer Explanation:
The Human Development Index (HDI) measures development based on three main indicators: health (life expectancy at birth), education (mean years of schooling and expected years of schooling), and income (gross national income per capita).

Question 62

Arrange the following official international conferences on sustainable development in chronological order. Use the codes given below:

i. The Stockholm Conference
ii. World Conservation Strategy
iii. World Commission on Environment
iv. ‘Global 2000’ Commission

(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) i, iv, ii, iii
(c) ii, iii, i, iv
(d) iii, ii, iv, i

Correct Answer:
(a) i, ii, iii, iv

Answer Explanation:
The correct chronological order of these official international conferences on sustainable development is: The Stockholm Conference (1972), World Conservation Strategy (1980), World Commission on Environment (1987), and ‘Global 2000’ Commission (1980).

Question 63

Match List–I with List–II and mark the correct code given below:

  • List–I
    • A. M.K. Gandhi
    • B. J.L. Nehru
    • C. Amartya Sen
    • D. Vinoba Bhave
  • List–II
    • i. Swadeshi Model of Development
    • ii. Mixed Model of Development
    • iii. Social Capability Model of Development
    • iv. Sarvodaya Model of Development

Correct Answer:
(a) i, ii, iii, iv

Answer Explanation:

  • A (Swadeshi Model of Development) by M.K. Gandhi
  • B (Mixed Model of Development) by J.L. Nehru
  • C (Social Capability Model of Development) by Amartya Sen
  • D (Sarvodaya Model of Development) by Vinoba Bhave

Question 64

Match List–I with List–II and mark the correct code given below:

  • List–I
    • A. Centre-periphery
    • B. Open-close societies
    • C. Centre-Semiperiphery
    • D. Trusteeship
  • List–II
    • i. M.K. Gandhi
    • ii. Samir Amin
    • iii. Gunnar Myrdal
    • iv. Andre Gunder Frank
    • v. Amrita Sen

Correct Answer:
(b) iv, iii, ii, i

Answer Explanation:

  • A (Centre-periphery) by Andre Gunder Frank
  • B (Open-close societies) by Gunnar Myrdal
  • C (Centre-Semiperiphery) by Samir Amin
  • D (Trusteeship) by M.K. Gandhi

Question 65

Match List–I (Scientists) with List–II (Theories of Development) given below:

  • List–I (Scientists)
    • A. A.G. Frank
    • B. Gunnar Myrdal
    • C. Max Weber
    • D. Samir Amin
  • List–II (Theories of Development)
    • i. Soft State
    • ii. Uneven development
    • iii. Cultural
    • iv. Centre periphery

Correct Answer:
(b) iv, i, iii, ii

Answer Explanation:

  • A (Centre periphery) by A.G. Frank
  • B (Soft State) by Gunnar Myrdal
  • C (Cultural) by Max Weber
  • D (Uneven development) by Samir Amin

Question 66

Warren S. Thompson is known for his:

(a) Cyclic Theory
(b) Demographic Transition Model
(c) Optimum Population Theory
(d) Social Capillarity Theory

Correct Answer:
(b) Demographic Transition Model

Answer Explanation:
Warren S. Thompson is known for developing the Demographic Transition Model, which describes the transition from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system.

Question 67

Population pyramid is a graphic representation of which aspect of population?

(a) Mortality and life expectancy
(b) Age-sex distribution at a given time
(c) Fertility and birth control
(d) Mortality and fertility ratio

Correct Answer:
(b) Age-sex distribution at a given time

Answer Explanation:
A population pyramid, also known as an age-gender pyramid, is a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a population, which forms the shape of a pyramid when the population is growing.

Question 68

The following thinkers have contributed to the study of population. Arrange them in chronological order and choose the correct code.

I. Thomas Malthus
II. Warren S. Thompson
III. Kingsley Davis
IV. Herbert Spencer

(a) I, II, III, IV
(b) I, III, II, IV
(c) II, III, IV, I
(d) I, II, IV, III

Correct Answer:
(a) I, II, III, IV

Answer Explanation:
The chronological order of these thinkers is:

  • Thomas Malthus
  • Warren S. Thompson
  • Kingsley Davis
  • Herbert Spencer

Question 69

Match the items in List–I with the items in List–II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

  • List–I (Ideas)
    • A. Geometric growth of population and Arithmetic growth of food supply
    • B. Diet Theory
    • C. Optimum Population Theory
    • D. Social Capillarity
  • List–II (Authors)
    • i. Double day
    • ii. Herbert Spencer
    • iii. Dalton
    • iv. Dumont
    • v. Thomas Malthus

Correct Answer:
(c) v, i, iii, iv

Answer Explanation:

  • A (Geometric growth of population and Arithmetic growth of food supply) by Thomas Malthus
  • B (Diet Theory) by Double day
  • C (Optimum Population Theory) by Dalton
  • D (Social Capillarity) by Dumont

Question 70

Match the items in List–I with the items in List–II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

  • List–I (Books)
    • A. Demography
    • B. Social Demography: A Systematic Exposition
    • C. Population and Society
    • D. Population of India and Pakistan
  • List–II (Authors)
    • i. M.K. Premi
    • ii. David M. Heer
    • iii. Kingsley Davis
    • iv. Peter R. Cox

Correct Answer:
(d) iv, i, iii, ii

Answer Explanation:

  • A (Demography) by Peter R. Cox
  • B (Social Demography: A Systematic Exposition) by M.K. Premi
  • C (Population and Society) by David M. Heer
  • D (Population of India and Pakistan) by Kingsley Davis

Question 71

The Sixth Five-Year Plan in India had special provisions for which of the following?

(a) Rural development
(b) Industrial development
(c) Women and Development
(d) Science and Technology

Correct Answer:
(c) Women and Development

Answer Explanation:
The Sixth Five-Year Plan (1980-1985) in India included a focus on women and development, aiming to enhance the status of women and integrate them into the development process more effectively.

Question 72

Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Gender as the basis of social inequality is structured into female and male spheres.
Reason (R): Women are biologically not equal to men.

(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Correct Answer:
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer Explanation:
While both statements are true, the reason (R) is not the correct explanation for the assertion (A). Social inequality based on gender involves societal norms and roles rather than biological differences.

Question 73

Match List–I with List–II given below:

  • List–I
    • A. Equal Remuneration Act
    • B. Domestic Violence Act
    • C. National Commission for Women Act
    • D. Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act
  • List–II
    • i. 1976
    • ii. 2005
    • iii. 1990
    • iv. 1986

Correct Answer:
(c) i, ii, iii, iv

Answer Explanation:

  • A (Equal Remuneration Act) – 1976
  • B (Domestic Violence Act) – 2005
  • C (National Commission for Women Act) – 1990
  • D (Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act) – 1986

Question 74

Match List–I with List–II given below:

  • List–I (Theories of Gender Relations)
    • A. Liberal
    • B. Radical
    • C. Socialist
    • D. Postmodernist
  • List–II (Thinkers)
    • i. Cixous, Irigaray
    • ii. Clara Zetkin, Juliet Mitchell
    • iii. Kate Millet, Mary Daly
    • iv. Mary Wollstonecraft, Betty Frieden

Correct Answer:
(d) iv, iii, ii, i

Answer Explanation:

  • A (Liberal) – Mary Wollstonecraft, Betty Frieden
  • B (Radical) – Kate Millet, Mary Daly
  • C (Socialist) – Clara Zetkin, Juliet Mitchell
  • D (Postmodernist) – Cixous, Irigaray

Question 75

Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): It is not sex but gender has been accepted as a form of social stratification.
Reason (R): Women are biologically not equal to men.

(a) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(b) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(c) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(d) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Correct Answer:
(c) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer Explanation:
While both statements are true, the reason (R) does not explain the assertion (A). Gender stratification is a societal construct and is not based on biological differences but rather on social and cultural norms and roles assigned to different genders.

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