Russian Society of Sociologists

Russian sociologists established the Russian Society of Sociologists in 1999 as the successor of the Soviet Sociological Association.
Russian Society of Sociologists

History of the Russian Society of Sociologists

To achieve the goal of sociological modernization in society, Russian sociologists established the Russian Society of Sociologists in 1999. It is regarded as the natural successor to the Soviet Sociological Association, which dissolved in 1999. POC is another acronym for this new association in Russia.

The mission of the Russian Society of Sociologists

  • POC applies social statistics, demographic and cultural statistics, survey databases, and sociological knowledge of society to promote growth and progress in the Russian Federation.
  • POC attempts to integrate sociological research survey databases and public opinion statistics effectively in real-time applications in society.
  • By preparing sociologists for success in the workplace, POC seeks to advance sociological education in the Russian Federation.
  • POC seeks a decentralized method to comprehend problems in Russia’s culturally diverse provinces.
  • POC wants Russian sociologists to be free to collaborate with international sociological institutes and engage in scholarly conversations with foreign researchers.
  • POC seeks to create a sociological professional ethics-based system.
  • POC’s goal is to advance sociology in the Russian Federation by improving its theoretical foundation, methodological validity, and application of results.

Russian Society of Sociologists

Activities of the Russian Sociologists Society

  • POC’s primary function is to make it convenient for Russian sociologists to participate internationally in international conferences, seminars, and congresses.
  • POC regularly coordinates its operations with those of its regional divisions.
  • POC assists in applying laws about society and operates in line with the Civil Code and other laws of the Russian Federation.
  • The Russian Sociological Society is involved in establishing and managing sociological research institutions.
  • The organization creates POC awards, grant contests, and prize giveaways to encourage members to advance sociology theory.
  • Society is active in educating POC members about the issues and findings of sociological research conducted domestically and abroad.
  • POC serves as a valid sociological profession representation in both private and public institutions.
  • POC supports Russian members who want to publish their research in POC and outside journals.
  • POC’s primary activity is the organization of scientific congresses, conferences, symposiums, and school workshops. It also develops courses and creates sociological academic curricula on its own or in collaboration with other scientific societies and Russian public organizations.

POC Membership

Individuals interested in POC can apply for membership after reading POC Russian charter.

POC Journal

Soviet Sociology Journal

Soviet Sociology is the first journal on the subject to be published in English by Russia, and it debuted in 1962.

Sociological Studies Journal

1974 witnessed the publication of the inaugural issue of “Sociological Studies” in Moscow. Anatoly G. Khartshev, the journal’s founding editor, had to work around communist restrictions to print sociological periodicals in the nation. Since 1992, the Russian Academy of Sciences, an association of top Russian scientists, has been endorsing this monthly socio-political publication.

POC Awards

The most esteemed award in contemporary Russia for sociological study is the M. Kovalevskii Prize.

International collaborations of POC

POC collaborates with the sociological association of ally countries like and former soviet nations. Russian Society of Sociologists has gained membership in the International Sociological Association.

Sociology Plus