History of Nordic Sociological Association (NSA)
In 1955, the Nordic Sociological Association made its debut. National organizations from the five Nordic nations are unified under the Nordic Sociological Association. Since the 1960s, the NSA has held biannual conferences as a convention. The Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish Sociological Associations are all part of the Nordic Sociological Association.
Mission of NSA
NSA aims to support members of Nordic countries in information exchange, sociological research studies, and the advancement of sociology as a discipline in European society.
Activities of NSA
- The biennial Nordic Sociological Conference and the quarterly Acta Sociologica magazine are two of NSA’s primary functions.
- Through financial assistance for seminars, conferences, and other research initiatives, the Nordic Sociological Association (NSA) strives to encourage professional sociological growth in the Nordic region.
NSA Membership
- Membership applications must be sent to the Nordic Sociological Association’s board and accepted only after a thorough review.
- National Association Membership consists of membership in associations from five different nations.
- Individual membership is available to citizens of Nordic nations and outsiders.
- Institutional membership in the NSA is offered to institutions and organizations at the national, regional, and global levels.
The international collaboration of the Nordic Sociological Association
NSA is a member of the European Sociological Association and the International Sociological Association.
Organization of Nordic Sociological Association
The organizational bodies of the NSA are
1. General Assembly
2. Board of the Association
3. Secretariat
The official name of the NSA
The Association’s official names of NSA in international languages are as follows:
- NSA In Danish: Nordisk Sociologforbund
- NSA In Finnish: Pohjoismainen Sosiologiliitto
- NSA In Icelandic: Bandalag norrænna félagsfræðinga
- NSA In English: Nordic Sociological Association
- NSA In Norwegian: Nordisk Sosiologforbund
- NSA In Swedish: Nordiska sociologförbundet
NSA Journal
Acta Sociologica journal of Nordic Sociological Association
The NSA journal Acta Sociologica publishes peer-reviewed articles on sociological innovations from diverse conceptual, theoretical and analytical perspectives. Original and unique papers, review essays, book reviews, and opinions are all included in the journal’s content. The journal first appeared in 1955, and four issues are now released annually.
NSA Funding
To further Nordic sociology, NSA sponsors projects, symposia, conferences, polls, seminars, and publications. NSA supports initiatives that have a regional and continental effect.
NSA Conference
The Nordic Sociological Association hosts Nordic Sociological Conference every two years. The conference features plenary sessions, eminent scholars, keynote speakers, and working groups.
Nordic Sociological Conference 2002
- Location: Reykjavik
Nordic Sociological Conference 2004
- Location: Malmo
Nordic Sociological Conference 2006
- Location: Turku
Nordic Sociological Conference 2008
- Location: Arhus
Nordic Sociological Conference 2011
- Location: Oslo, Norway
- Venue: University of Oslo
- Theme: Power and Participation
- 25th NSA Conference
Nordic Sociological Conference 2012
- Location: Reykjavik
- Venue: University of Iceland
- Theme: Trust and social change
- 26th NSA Conference
Nordic Sociological Conference 2014
- Location: Lund
- Theme: Exploring Blind Spots
- 27th NSA Conference
Nordic Sociological Conference 2016
- Location: Helsinki
- 28th NSA Conference
- Theme: Knowledge Making Practices and Sociology’s Global Challenge
Nordic Sociological Conference 2018
- Location: Aalborg, Denmark
- 29th NSA Conference
- Theme: Population aging
Nordic Sociological Conference 2020
- Canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic
Nordic Sociological Conference 2022
- Location: Reykjavik
- Date: 10-12 of August 2022.
- Theme: Myths and Realities of the Nordic Welfare State
- 30th NSA Conference