Course Content
Survival of the Fittest
Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer
Moral Actions – Spencer
Types of Cooperation – Herbert Spencer
Critique of Communism and Socialism
Society as a Thing – Spencer and Realism
Comparative-Historical Method
Value Free Sociology of Spencer
Criticism of Herbert Spencer
Herbert Spencer
    About Lesson

    Survival of the Fittest

    The Origin of Species work published by Charles Darwin, which Spencer read, impacted him. He wanted Darwin to be the root of many of his views on evolution. Spencer claimed to have been the first to uncover the fundamental concepts of “natural selection” and “survival of the fittest,” nevertheless.

    Like Darwin, he believed that weak and unsuitable people might be eliminated by nature. The healthiest and most intelligent individuals are the fittest. He saw the government as a joint stock business for safeguarding people.

    He argues that since nature is more clever than humans, the government should cease meddling with its progress. Therefore, he requested that the government forbid harbor development, sanitary measures, and education endeavors. Spencer believed that all societies should strive to be like the Victorian laissez-faire, or free market, in which there was no government interference and people were free to compete.

    The government must abstain from interfering since doing so impedes individual rights as well as the process of development in the natural environment.

    Sociology Plus