Colombian Sociological Association

In 1962, the Asociacion Colombiana de Sociologa, generally known as the Colombian Sociological Association or ACS, formed in Bogota.
Colombian Sociological Association

History of the Colombian Sociological Association (ACS)

On April 11, 1962, the Asociacion Colombiana de Sociologa, generally known as the Colombian Sociological Association or ACS, formed in Bogota.

ACS has undergone four stages since its inception.

  • Foundation Period
  • Consolidation Period [1979-1997]
  • Crisis Period [1998 -2017]
  • Resurgence Period [2018]

Foundation Stage of ACS [1962-1967]

The first stage, led by Orlando Fals Borda and Camilo Torres Restrepo, aimed at the promotion and organization of discipline through international collaborations and congresses.

Consolidation Stage of ACS [1979-1997]

The second stage saw the systematic organization of national-level congresses and book publications along with evaluation and consolidation of discipline.

Crisis Stage of ACS [1998 -2017]

ACS conducted only one national-level congress in 2006 National University of Colombia, Bogota, during the crisis period between 1998-2018. All universities that offered sociology discipline in Bogota offered support for the 2006 national conference. However, after that, complete inactivity overshadowed the organization in the period between 2007-2018.

Colombian Sociological Association

Resurgence Stage of ACS [2018 onwards]

Red Colombiana de Facultades y Departamentos de Sociología which is also known as RECFADES made the decision to reactivate the ACS in 2018. Santo Tomás University convened the reactivation assembly of the ACS in July 26, 2019 in Bogota.

ACS meeting outcome includes approval of statutes reformation, selection directives, and three presidents’ committees directly monitoring. The aftermath of the ACS meeting in Bogota is the 13th National Congress of Sociology, organized in 2020.

Colombian Sociological Association Membership

Along with individual and organizational membership, the four associate members of ACS are formal, emeritus, institutional, and participatory.

International Collaborations of ACS

Latin American Association of Sociology and International Sociological Association are the international level institutions that ACS has partnered with.

National Conference

Colombian Association of Sociology and the National University of Colombia in Bogota organized the 

first ACS National Congress in 1963. 

ACS organized the latest 13th Congress in Bogota in 2020 December.

Publications of ACS

The consolidation stage saw the publication of journals by ACS, which was later discontinued. Currently, sociologists in Colombia contribute to other social science journals via international-level journals and periodicals.

Relevant Links of ACS

ACS YouTube | ACS Twitter | ACS Facebook

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