Age at marriage, which is impacted by a community's cultural, social, and economic characteristics, is the median or average age of men and women at the time ...

Age is a biological classification that specifies the time frame between birth and death in years. While age has an objective component, as everyone has been ...

Age differentiation is the process through which people are placed in various status positions and perform roles based on how society views them; it ultimately ...

Definition Age groups are made up of individuals who are regarded by society as holding a similar position based on their age. These groups are distinguished ...

Age of enlightenment is the philosophical movement that concentrated on the premise that reason was the fundamental source of power and legitimacy in the ...

Definition The term "age profile of the population" refers to segmenting the total population into various age brackets. The age profile of the population ...

An age set is a structured collection of individuals with comparable social ages that form at a particular stage of life and whose members officially move ...

Age stratification is a method that involves placing people in different groups based on their age. It is a conceptual framework for examining how people age ...

According to Edward J. Stieglitz, ageing is "the element of time in living." The chronological process of becoming older physically is called ageing/aging.

Ageism is the casual or systematic prejudice against people or groups based on their age. Robert Neil Butler first used the phrase in 1971 to refer to bias ...

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