Affectivity describes situations in which emotional life is openly expressed with minimal restriction. Talcott Parsons recognized it as one of the pattern ...

Definition Affiliative behavior refers to any endeavor that builds or fosters social cohesion. The word affiliative behavior is widely used in academic ...

Definition A connection is said to be affinal when established via marriage rather than through the actual or mythological ties of descent. It is a kinship ...

Affirmative action is a collection of practices and policies within a government or social institution that strive to incorporate underrepresented groups based ...

In sociology, the term "affluence," which literally translates to "prosperity," is used to characterize the relative prosperity of formerly underprivileged ...

Definition A civilization that places a disproportionate amount of emphasis on private sector output is an affluent society with abundant private resources ...

The term "Affluent Worker" refers to a group of workers that emerged in the postwar period and are distinguished by comparatively high earnings as compared to ...

African religions are oral rather than written traditional beliefs. They are the rituals and customs of the African people that are carried down through ...

Afro-Caribbean refers to an individual of African heritage who moved to or currently resides in the Caribbean. A significant share of contemporary Africans in ...

Agamy is the lack of norms or regulations governing both inside-endogamous and outside-exogamous partnerships and marriages. It is a social institution and ...

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