

Androcracy Definition

Androcracy refers to the governance, leadership, or rule by men, encompassing any society or culture where men hold control and influence.

It is derived from the Greek word “anēr,” meaning “man,” and “kratos,” meaning “rule” or “power.” Androcracy is often used to describe a situation where decision-making, governance, and societal control are primarily in the hands of men, with women having limited access to political, economic, and social power.

Key points about androcracy include:

  1. Male Dominance: Androcracy implies a dominance of men in key societal roles, such as political leadership, business, and other positions of authority.
  2. Gender Inequality: The term underscores the gender imbalance, emphasizing the marginalization of women in decision-making processes and influential roles.
  3. Historical Context: Androcracy has been a historical norm in many societies, where patriarchal structures have traditionally upheld the notion that men are better suited for leadership positions.
  4. Challenges to Gender Equality: Androcracy is often criticized for perpetuating gender stereotypes and hindering efforts toward achieving gender equality.
  5. Intersectionality: The impact of androcracy can intersect with other forms of discrimination, such as race, class, and sexuality, leading to compounded inequalities for individuals who face multiple marginalized identities.

It’s important to note that androcracy is often discussed in the context of broader conversations about gender equality and the need to challenge and dismantle patriarchal structures. Efforts to promote gender diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for all genders are essential in addressing androcracy and fostering more equitable societies.

In various cultures and historical contexts, certain interpretations of religious teachings have been used to justify or reinforce gender hierarchies, with men often holding positions of authority.

Comparison between androcentricity, androcentrism, and androcracy

While “androcentricity,” “androcentrism,” and “androcracy” all revolve around the concept of male dominance and influence, they have distinct meanings and are used in different contexts. Here’s a comparison between these terms:


  1. Definition:
    • Androcentricity refers to the practice of viewing the world from a male perspective or showing bias toward male points of view.
  2. Context:
    • It is often associated with cultural or societal perspectives and can be observed in language, literature, and other forms of expression.
  3. Examples:
    • The use of male pronouns as generic, considering them to represent both men and women, is an example of androcentric language.


  1. Definition:
    • Androcentrism is a cultural or societal perspective that centers around or is dominated by men, often to the exclusion or neglect of women’s experiences, perspectives, and contributions.
  2. Context:
    • It is a broader concept that encompasses not only the viewing of the world from a male perspective but also the elevation of traditionally masculine attributes and norms as superior.
  3. Examples:
    • Traditional textbooks that portray females as subservient and passive contribute to androcentrism in the sociology of education.


  1. Definition:
    • Androcracy refers to a social system or political structure in which men hold predominant positions of power and influence.
  2. Context:
    • It specifically deals with the distribution of political, economic, and social power, highlighting a situation where decision-making is primarily in the hands of men.
  3. Examples:
    • Societies or organizations where men disproportionately occupy leadership roles, and women have limited access to influential positions, exemplify androcracy.


  • Common Theme:
    • All three concepts revolve around the idea of male dominance, but they differ in their scope and application.
  • Scope:
    • Androcentricity focuses on perspectives and biases in various domains.
    • Androcentrism extends the concept to include the elevation of masculine attributes as superior.
    • Androcracy specifically deals with the distribution of power in social and political structures.
  • Application:
    • Androcentricity is often applied to language and cultural expressions.
    • Androcentrism is a broader societal concept affecting various aspects of life.
    • Androcracy is concerned with power dynamics in political and social systems.

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