Definition A city is defined sociologically as a considerably large, populous, and stable community of diverse people. A sociologically relevant description ...

Civil inattention defines how individuals show others that they are conscious of others' presence without offending people by avoiding showing ...

Definition Civil religion refers to a collection of values, customs, and symbols that express and honor a person's connection to the community, the country, ...

Definition Civil rights refer to the rights acknowledged as belonging to all sections of individuals in a society, that can be defended in court, and that ...

The civil rights movement refers to any politically motivated group working to advance the civil rights of a specific group in society. 

Civil society is a region between the family and the state with more expansive social ties and public engagement, as opposed to the more constrained functions ...

Norbert Elias' "civilizing process" concept looked at the connections between the development of European states and shifts in people's personalities and ...

A "clan" is a kinship word used to refer to a group of individuals who claim shared unilineal heritage. Clans are identified from one another by mentioning an ...

The term "Clash of Civilizations," made famous by US political scientist Samuel Huntington, implies that culture will be the principal source of conflict in ...

Class conflict is any conflict between people from different social classes because they have different interests, political tensions, or economic differences ...

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