The term "actionalism" refers to the idea that the sociology of actors should take the place of the sociology of society. Touraine wants to eliminate what he ...
Definition The term "active audience" defines the consumers of media content and implies that they should not be viewed as passive recipients of information ...
Definition The word "active citizen" expresses a person's obligations to other members of society. The idea is linked to New Right sociologists, who contend ...
Being an active member of a political party, pressure group, social institution, or associated political organization is called activism. The goal of activism ...
Definition The actor-network theory method, principally attributed to the French social scientists Michel Callon and Bruno Latour, looks at how breakthroughs, ...
Ad hoc hypothesis denotes a supplementary hypothesis given to a theory to prevent it from being refuted. According to Karl Popper's philosophy of science, the ...
Ethnomethodologists refer to the reasoning and description that occurs in daily interaction as "ad-hocing."Ad hoc or improvising one's identity implies ...
Definition The process through which social systems, including family units, corporations, and states, "manage" or react to their surroundings is known as ...
The phrase "adaptive culture" refers to the sphere of ideas, beliefs, values, and practices as opposed to the material culture of created goods and is most ...
Addiction is described as "a curable, chronic medical disorder involving intricate interactions among brain circuits, heredity, the environment, and an ...