
Objectivity is the absence of predisposition, prejudice, or stereotypes. It refers to the external world's accounts that are regarded to reflect reality as it is without human interpretations.
Objectivity Sociology Definition

Definition of Objectivity

Objectivity is the absence of predisposition, prejudice, or stereotypes. When we talk about objectivity, we’re referring to the external world’s accounts that are regarded to reflect reality as it is without our interpretations. The knowledge is said to fulfill validity and reliability requirements and be devoid of bias. The phrase objective does relate to the perception appropriate for a scientific investigator: unattached, unprejudiced, and receptive to whatever the facts may show.

Sociological Explanation

The question about whether sociology as a field and sociologists as investigators can be objective, as well as the degree to which work in the physical sciences is as impartial as is claimed, is at the core of the issue between sociology and science. The definition of objectivity is contested among scientists. Some contend that objectivity is the outcome of applying the scientific process steps. Others contend that it is complicated for scientists to be impartial since they are susceptible to the values and biases of all humankind and that beliefs and preconceptions are to be fully disclosed in society.

Scientific work is frequently considered a self-correcting process that removes experimental effort that is subjectively compromised. The term “objectivity” is used to describe both the researcher and the beliefs and attitudes they bring to the qualitative research, as well as the technique utilized and the degree to which they are neutral.

A claim or assertion is backed by arguments and facts that are warrantable and defensible if it is objective. It is subjective if a claim is not backed by evidence and is only an outward expression choice. Another definition of objectivity is the quality of being impartial and unprejudiced in one’s behavior. An attribute, feature, or method by which an assertion is supported might be considered objective. Because scientific assertions are open to public examination and intersubjective critique, some contend that the scientific endeavor is objective.

Objectivity is a psychological state that allows the researcher to see the natural characteristics of the subject being investigated while staying devoid of bias or prejudice. It is often thought of as the objective of scientific research.

When we see things correctly, and without the influence of our preferences, biases, or prejudices, we are being objective. Thus, “objectivity” now refers to a neutral attitude toward knowledge.

Most of the techniques covered in sociological method courses are meant to prevent bias from entering into the gathering or analysis of data. It is considered that objective knowledge is more than just an individual’s viewpoint. The emphasis should be on findings and the hypothesis that must be proven by the factual data gathered in order to retain impartiality.

The term “objectivism” refers to a complex system of entwined assumptions about the nature of knowledge and the nature of reality. It means the way reality is recognized and knowledge claims justify the scientist’s function and the Enlightenment’s conviction that science has an undisputed influence and authority over society.

A belief in a specific metaphysical and epistemological relationship between subject and object, known as objectification, is often characterized by concepts of detachment from yet an endeavor to regulate the object of knowledge.

According to critics, sociological research cannot be impartial since sociologists’ personal experiences and views impact it. Sociology is inherently motivated by ideology; hence the concept of value-free social investigation is untenable. True objectivity is unachievable because our unique perceptions of reality are always mediated by faulty senses, equally fallible reasoning abilities, and dominant beliefs and conceptions that affect how we experience the world.


A court judge is expected to be objective in his decision-making regarding punishment for crime. Objectivity is ensured in criminal investigations by the police force.


Sociology Plus