Anarchy is defined as the absence of social order, governmental justice, or the power of law. Anarchy is a political system that is analogous to the state of nature, despite the fact that it is not a theoretical stance but rather the outcome of the collapse or overthrow of the machinery of a state. Anarchy is derived from the ancient Greek word anarchos, which means “without rulers.”
Anarchy is a social and political ideology that advocates for the abolition of governmental authority in favor of a society in which individuals are responsible for their own self-government and have unrestricted personal liberty.
Anarchy may also be used in a negative sense as a phrase that describes violence, disorder, and the breakdown of society.
Individualist and social anarchism are the two primary schools of thought held by anarchists.
Individualist anarchists are opposed to any and all kinds of governmental power, and they advocate for unrestricted personal liberty.
Social anarchists are those who believe that all members of society ought to have an equal share of political authority, economic resources, and wealth.