
Altercasting  Sociology


In the fields of role theory and dramaturgical sociology, the term “altercasting” refers to the practice of casting the “other” (the “alter”) into a specific role. It is a method of forcing individuals into predetermined social roles to make them more likely to act in a manner that is congruent with those roles.


Altercasting is a theory that was developed in the year 1963 by two sociologists by the names of Eugene Weinstein and Paul Deutschberger. The idea of persuasion is central to this theoretical framework. Projecting one’s personality onto another individual to accomplish one’s own objectives is the purpose of the practice of altercasting.

This is a phrase used by professionals in psychology and communication to describe a method of persuasion in which one person portrays another as a specific sort of person to persuade the other person to behave in the desired way.

There have been few research studies conducted on it, partly because it’s difficult to reproduce in a lab, subject by subject, which requires a lot of effort. But, according to psychologists, it is used in everyday life in various contexts, including by fundraisers, parents, educators, spouses, and therapists.

Two types of Altercasting

There are two categories of altercasting.

A. Manded Altercasting

Person A does not modify their conduct but instead explicitly states a role for Person B to play in the process of “manded” altercasting.


 “Hubby, you make such delicious meals. Would you be willing to provide breakfast for us the next morning?”

B. Tact Altercasting 

In “tact” altercasting, Person A doesn’t say anything outright, but they change how they act to give the other person hints about their role.


If you want your partner to prepare lunch for the two of you, you may act as if you can’t locate the things you need in the kitchen while you fumble about looking for them until your partner steps in.

Sociology Plus