100 Definitions of Sociology

Sociology Meaning


#1   Sociology is a science concerning itself with the interpretive understanding of social action and a causal explanation of its course and consequences.

#2   Sociology is the scientific study of society or Gesellschaft.

#3   Sociology is the art of learning and examining companionship.

#4   Sociology is the science that fosters social and political moderation by understanding the close confinement of the political category and the resilience and relative autonomy of social phenomena.

#5   Sociology is a subject that is solidly grounded in relativism. Relativism supposes that rights, values, norms, and ethics are the product of particular cultures and contingent historical forces.

#6   Sociology is a topic that connects its knowledge concerning social class, group dynamics, social status, and differential treatment of subordinated groups more precisely with the discourse on human rights occurring in other fields.

#7   Sociology is defined as a science of social action.

#8   Sociology is defined as the study of forms of social interaction.

#9   Sociology is the subject that examines any form of sociation.

#10 Sociology is the subject that identifies and analyzes the values held by people in particular epochs, nations, societies, subcultures, or spheres of life.

#11 Sociology is the research and learning of social institutions.

#12 Sociology is studying individuals, groups, organizations, cultures, societies, and transnational relationships and the various interrelationships among and between them.

#13 Sociology is studying how individuals behave in groups and how these groups shape their behavior.

#14 Sociology is the objective study of society and the quest to analyze and describe social structures and systems.

#15 Sociology is the subject that helps human beings reveal what is hidden about society.

#16 Sociology is a diverse and pluralistic discipline that studies societal systems.

#17 Sociology is to study relationships of social structures using statistical methods of analysis that might ideally produce laws that describe the empirical regularities found in social life.

#18 Sociology is the study that is concerned with what type of society best ensures that the institutions of the society do not thwart the freedom of the individual.

#19 Sociology is a form of social inquiry that takes wide-ranging forms.

#20 Sociology is the study of the totality of social relations.

#21 Sociology is the science devoted explicitly to the study of the social world.

#22 Sociology is studying the micro (individual) and macro (global) relationships and everything in between.

#23 Sociology is the subject that understands society in very structured, disciplined ways.

#24 Sociology studies how to understand the causes of human actions better.

#25 Sociology is the sociological quest to understand the society that shapes the world.

#26 Sociology is the study of social experiences within groups.

#27 Sociology is about positive and critical thinking about society.

#28 Sociology is the systematic study of human society.

#29 Sociology is the way of thinking about the human world.

#30 Sociology is the analysis of the structure of social relationships as constituted by social interaction.

#31 Sociology is the subject to learn a new way of looking at familiar patterns of social life.

#32 Sociology is the systematic and critical study of society. It questions what people take for granted. It looks at social worlds as humanly produced.

#33 Sociology is a subject that has multiple perspectives for looking at a social life.

#34 Sociology is the subject that analyzes human associations that people create; charts the divisions, inequalities, and sufferings they generate; and provides a sense of the future, of a better world.

#35 Sociology is to science that assists humanity in resolving the social problem.

#35 Sociology facilitates change by altering social relationships or restructuring social institutions.

#36 Sociology is the scientific study of social behavior and human groups.

#37 Sociology is a scientific inquiry that seeks more profound knowledge of the fundamental aspects of social phenomena.

#38 Sociology is the science that attempts to develop an analytical theory of social action in so far as these systems can be understood in terms of the property of common-value integration.

#39 Sociology is the study of the cause and effect of variables.

#40 Sociology is a scientific endeavor that uses systematic methods of empirical investigation, analysis of data, theoretical thinking, and the logical assessment of arguments to develop a body of knowledge about society as a subject matter.

#41 Sociology is the subject that attempts to understand people’s differing realities, the scripts that they follow, and the reasons they choose one set of scripts over another.

#42 Sociology studies ours lives and behavior as the most complex endeavor.

#43 Sociology is the intellectual endeavor that sets aside our personal views to explore the influences that shape our lives and those of others.

#44 Sociology is a science concerning itself with the interpretive understanding of social action and a causal explanation of its course and consequence.

#45 Sociology is concerned with all the social worlds in which men have lived, are living, and might live. It must necessarily be attentive to the empirical realities in individual lives and their intersection with history and social structures.

#46 Sociology is about analyzing, evaluating, and critiquing social structures.

#47 Sociology is a science and, as such, is rooted in theories that guide research problems, make sense of data, are tested using the scientific method (regardless of the specific analytic strategy), and provide ways of talking, thinking, understanding, and, ultimately, explaining the world.

#48 Sociology is the analysis and critique relating to interaction, ties, and networks.

#49 Sociology is about life, and its insights help achieve change in society and increase living standards.

#50 Sociology is the systematic study on topics like culture, economics, crime, organizations, sexuality, politics, identity, fashion, management, state, environment, media, youth, gerontology, health, housing, bio-technology, and rural and urban life. Thus, sociology is a site of continuing activity seeking to understand new phenomena and test established ideas against experiences and data.

#51 Sociology is the academic study of adaptive relationships to changing societal conditions and issues.

#52 Sociology is an excavation of the conditions that inform actions and perceptions and an interpretive discipline that enables us to examine the meanings we deploy to make sense of the world.

#53 Sociology is an extended commentary on the experiences that arise in social relations and interprets those experiences concerning others and the social conditions in which people find themselves.

#54 Sociology renders human life and human cohabitation to promote mutual understanding and recognition of our environments as a paramount condition of shared freedom.

#55 Sociology is an ever-growing dynamic discipline that is adapting to new social phenomena and producing new studies all the time, many of which are often practiced in collaboration with other disciplines.

#56 Sociology is an illuminating, exciting, practical, and challenging societal research discipline.

#57 Sociology seeks to understand new phenomena and to test established ideas against experiences and data.

#58 Sociology is the social structure and the relationships between elements of that structure.

#59 Sociology is concerned with capturing the underlying forms of social relations and the geometry of social life.

#60 Sociology is studying social life, social change, and human behavior’s social causes and consequences.

#61 Sociology uses methods to study social forces that affect human behavior, and in so doing, encourages understanding and improves people’s lives.

#62 Sociology is the scientific study of society and human behavior. – Henslin

#63 Sociology is a systematic approach to thinking about, studying, and understanding society, human social behavior, and social groups. – Farley

#64 Sociology is the discipline that attempts to understand the forces outside us that shape our lives, interests, and personalities. – Eitzen and Zinn

#65 Sociology studies groups and group interactions, societies, and social interactions, from small and personal groups to huge groups.

#66 Sociology is the general science of society that studies social life, human behavior, society, patterns of social relationships, interaction, culture, and behavior.

#67 Sociology is the systematic study of society and social interactions to understand individuals, groups, and institutions through data collection and analysis.

#68 Sociology is a broad discipline that examines how humans interact with each other and how human behavior is shaped by social structures, social categories, and social institutions.

#69 Sociology is the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of social relations and institutions.

#70 Sociology is the study of super-organic phenomena—that is, of relations among organisms. Thus, sociology could study nonhuman societies, such as ants and insects, but the paramount super-organic phenomenon in human society – Herber Spencer.

#71 Sociology is “the natural history of societies” or, more specifically, “an order among those structural and functional changes that societies pass through” Herbert Spencer.

#72 Sociology is the study of humans living together – Tonnies.

#73 Sociology is the study of collective behavior – Park and Burgess.

#74 Sociology is the scientific study of social aspects of human life – Mack Young.

#75 Sociology is defined as a discipline dealing with the interpretation and explanation of social action, defined as an action concerning orientation to the actions of one or more other actors.

#76 Sociology deals with the collective, unspecialized aspects of human behavior.

#77 Sociology is the study of static or dynamic societal relations and social interaction.

#78 Sociology is the understanding of societal phenomena and social reality.

#79 Sociology is the subject that studies group relations, human activities in their interrelation, association, human togetherness, social life, and social interaction.

#80 Auguste Comte defines Sociology as the science of social phenomena “subject to natural and invariable laws, the discovery of which is the object of investigation.”

#81 According to Kingsley Davis, “Sociology is a general science of society.”

#82 Harry M. Johnson writes,” Sociology is the science that deals with social groups: their internal forms or modes of organization, the processes that tend to maintain or change these forms of organization, and the relations between groups.”

#83 Emile Durkheim Sociology as the “Science of social institutions.”

#84 Small defines Sociology as “the science of social relationships.”

#85 Marshal Jones defines Sociology as “the study of man in relationship to men.”

#86 Ogburn and Nimkoff: “Sociology is the scientific study of social life.”

#87 Franklin Henry Giddings defines Sociology as “the science of social phenomena.”

#88 Henry Fairchild: “Sociology is the study of man and his human environment in their relations to each other.”

#89 Max Weber defines Sociology as “the science that attempts the interpretative understanding of social action to arrive at a causal explanation of its course and effects.”

#90 Alex Inkeles says, “Sociology is the study of social action systems and their inter-relations.”

#91 Kimball Young and Raymond W. Mack say, “Sociology is the scientific study of social aspects of human life.”

#92 Morris Ginsberg defines Sociology as the study of human interactions and inter-relations, their conditions and consequences.”

#92 Sociology is the study of society’s social structures and social functions, a complex unit made of interrelated parts.

#93 Sociology is the study of society, human social interaction, and the rules and processes that bind and separate people not only as individuals but as members of associations, groups, and institutions.

#94 Sociology is the scientific study of human social behavior and its origins, development, organizations, and institutions.

#95 Sociology is defined as the study of human values, relationships, beliefs, and society.

#96 Sociology is studying human social behavior, especially examining the origins, organization, institutions, and advancement of human society.

#97 Sociology means the study of society on a highly generalized or abstract level.

#98 Sociology may be defined as a body of scientific knowledge about human relationships, says J. F. Cuber.

#99 Sociology is the study of humanistic interactions and interrelations, their conditions, and consequences.

#100 Sociology is the systematic study of social institutions, their nature, functions, synergies, continuity, and change classifications.



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